Resources for bereaved parents

If your baby has died, this is a devastating loss for you and your family. We are working hard to develop bereavement supports and resources for families whose baby has died some of which are outlined below.

We have produced a suite of information booklets on baby loss. Two of these booklets aim to offer support and guidance to you as bereaved parents who have experienced loss of your baby (babies). You can download them below:


Click on the link below to download a copy of our Loss Memoir.

We have also developed two booklets which contain a collection of 20 short stories written by bereaved parents about life after loss of their baby or babies.

In addition, we have developed a guide for bereaved parents, which offers guidance about parenting your surviving twin or triplet (s).

Bereavement Checklist

We have produced a bereavement checklist of things for you to think about if your baby has died or is going to die. Many bereaved parents can feel numb and shocked if their baby has died or may die soon after they are born, and they can struggle to make decisions or think of the questions that they would like to ask their midwife. We have produced this checklist to help. You might like to think about answers to these questions, so that you can express your wishes to your midwife and other relevant staff in the hospital.

Click Here To Download The Bereavement Checklist











Baby Journal for your Baby who has Died
We hope that you, as a bereaved parent, can use this journal to write down details about your baby so that all your memories about them are in one special place. This journal can be used by parents of babies who have died through miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death. You can complete the parts relevant to your baby and that you feel comfortable completing.

Suite Of Certificates












Click Here To Download The Certificate of Birth Twins

Click Here To Download The Certificate of Birth Triplets

Click Here To Download The Certificate of Birth Individual Triplet

Click Here To Download The Certificate of Birth Individual Baby

Click Here To Download The Certificate of Birth Individual Twin

Recommended books

Books for children about loss of a baby brother or sister


Mother’s Day as a Bereaved Mom

If you are a bereaved mum, Mother’s Day, and the lead up to it, may be difficult for you. You might find yourself beginning to think about how you are going cope on Mother’s Day and what you might do on Mother’s Day to remember and include your baby who has died.

As a way of acknowledging and including your baby on Mother’s Day, we have created two beautiful, printable Mother’s Day card for you to choose from. Just print off one of the cards (you will need a home printer) and write in your baby’s name, write a note to your baby in the picture frame provided and colour in the image on the card in your baby’s memory. You can then choose to place the card somewhere in your home, at your baby’s grave, in your baby’s keepsake box for example.

Self-care on Mother’s Day 

The lead up to the Mother’s Day, and the day itself, can be a worry for you but there are small things that you can do to get through it. Think about things that you might do that will help you to feel connected to your baby.

Click on this link to access the Mothers Day Card No.1

Click on this link to access the Mothers Day Card No.2

Click on this link to access the Mothers Day Letter template